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Being Human

Why Adults Need Playfulness for Mental Health and Well-Being
Being Human

Why Adults Need Playfulness for Mental Health and Well-Being

Do you remember the days when you hung out with friends and lost track of time doing something you loved? Maybe you were playing a sport, engaging in a creative game, exploring your neighborhood, or just wandering around the mall with no agenda.
Mindful Moments: Navigating Holiday Stress with Calm and Clarity
Being Human

Mindful Moments: Navigating Holiday Stress with Calm and Clarity

As the holiday season gets closer, it's easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle, often leading to increased stress and overwhelming feelings. Amidst the chaos, incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine can be a powerful tool for promoting well-being, reducing stress, and fostering present moment awareness.
Passion is Resistible
Being Human

Passion is Resistible

Following your passion is like following a great river. Sometimes it’s wide, inviting, and calm. Other times it’s narrow, wild, and thrilling. And occasionally there are inevitable moments where we find ourselves approaching the precipice of a great falls. In these moments, we understandably become afraid, unsure, and doubtful.
Listening to Our Bodies: The Evidence for Healing
Being Human

Listening to Our Bodies: The Evidence for Healing

Have you ever heard someone talk about "listening to their body" and wondered what it means? Listening to our bodies is a transformative practice that leads to healing, personal growth, and self-discovery.
Expressive Journaling: Healing your heart, clearing your mind, and changing your brain
Being Human

Expressive Journaling: Healing your heart, clearing your mind, and changing your brain

Therapeutic journaling is all about jotting down what’s on your mind and heart, especially when it comes to personal experiences. It’s different from just keeping a diary about your daily happenings.